Climate Change Research Round 1: Increasing Data Accessibility and Climate Resilience Planning Support through Cal-Adapt
Research Institution
University of California, Berkeley
Project Partners
- Greenlining Institute
- Local Government Commission
- United States Geological Survey
- Eagle Rock Analytics
Increasing Data Accessibility and Climate Resilience Planning Support Grant Award Information
Project Summary
The Cal-Adapt web application provides high-quality, peer-reviewed data and scientific analysis of climate-related factors such as sea level rise, storms, wildfire, and extreme heat events, which can be integrated into locally relevant climate action plans and adaptation strategies. Researchers leveraged the existing Cal-Adapt web application tool by conducting needs assessments and outreach efforts to help identify new datasets, design and build new features and targeted tools for the application that more thoroughly addresses stakeholder needs beyond the energy sector, and assist state agencies and others with developing actionable plans to adapt to changing conditions.
Research Outcomes
- Cal-Adapt web application
- Local Climate Change Snapshot tool
- Cal-Adapt Local Climate Change Snapshot Tool Walkthrough video
- Blog post on new Local Climate Change Snapshot Tool
- Blog post on Cal-Adapt Redesign Updates
- Increasing Data Accessibility and Climate Resilience Planning Support YouTube video
For final report or more information, please contact us at