Climate Change Research Round 1: Climate Smart Transportation and Communities Consortium
Research Institution
University of California, Davis
Project Partners
Academic Partners
- Lawrence Berkeley National Lab
- UC Berkeley
- UC Irvine
- UC Los Angeles
- UC Riverside
- University of Southern California
Government Partners
- Association of Monterey Bay Area Governments
- City of Riverside
- Federal Transit Administration
- Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority
- Metropolitan Transportation Commission, Port of Long Beach, Riverside County Transportation Commission
- Riverside Transit Agency
- San Diego Association of Governments
- Southern California Association of Governments
- Western Riverside Council of Governments
Industry Partners
Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) Partners
- California Association of Councils of Governments
- Center for Community Action and Environmental Justice
- Coalition for Clean Air
- Communities for a Better Environment
- The Greenlining Institute, Inland Congregations United for Change
- Inland Coalition for Immigrant Justice
- Institute for Local Governments
- Natural Defense Council
- Southeast Los Angeles (SELA) Collaborative
- Warehouse Workers Resource Center
- West Oakland Environmental Indicators Project
- WALKSacramento
- Valley LEAP
Climate Smart Transportation and Communities Consortium Grant Award Information
Project Summary
A multi-faceted group of researchers from seven academic institutions teamed up to advance the State’s knowledge on the effects of emissions in the transportation sector on disadvantaged communities by focusing on interrelated areas – innovative mobility, electrification, public transit, land use, active transportation, and goods movement—using equity and policy engagement lenses as crosscutting themes. Research centered on regional case study initiatives and statewide initiatives to demonstrate findings.
Research Outcomes
For final report or more information, please contact us at