Climate Change Research Round 1: Examining the Unintended Effects of Climate Change Mitigation: A New Tool to Predict Investment Related Displacement
Research Institution
University of California, Berkeley
Project Partners
- California Housing Partnership Corporation
- Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco
- Leadership Counsel for Justice and Accountability
- Public Advocates & Public Counsel
Urban Displacement Grant Award Information
Project Summary
Despite new efforts to minimize the displacement impacts of investments, there remains considerable uncertainty about the potential effects of different types of investments, making it difficult to effectively predict and address any displacement impacts. To the extent that they provide new amenities, climate investments may raise local land values, which could then impact local rent levels and destabilize communities. This research aims to reduce this gap in knowledge by utilizing individual- and building-level datasets to which our team has unique access in order to create tools that can be used by state agencies to estimate the potential impacts of investments and thereby mitigate them.
Research Outcomes
- Urban Displacement Project Website
- Examining the Unintended Effects of Climate Change Mitigation Research Brief
- Urban Displacement YouTube video
For final report or more information, please contact us at