Climate Change Research Round 1: Sea Level Rise, Hazardous Sites, and Environmental Justice in California
Research Institution
University of California, Berkeley
Project Partners
- Asian Pacific Environmental Network (APEN)
- California Environmental Justice Alliance
- Center for Climate Change & Health
- Central Coast Alliance United for a Sustainable Economy (CAUSE)
- Climate Central
- Physicians for Social Responsibility – Los Angeles
- San Francisco State University
Toxic Tides Grant Award Information
Project Summary
This research conducts a holistic examination of the environmental health and social equity implications from the risks of sea level rise (SLR) to property and infrastructure. It will assess the threats posed by SLR and flooding of hazardous sites to socially disadvantaged populations across the state. Researchers will perform integration and statistical analysis of multiple spatial data sets, including state-of-the art, high resolution SLR projections based on a wide range of emissions scenarios and modelling assumptions. Environmental justice organizations and researchers will partner to broadly disseminate research findings to policy makers and impacted communities through the news media and via webinars, workshops, and briefings with community, non-profit, academic, and government stakeholders.
Research Outcomes
- The Toxic Tides website includes a series of maps showing hazardous facilities projected to be at risk of flooding in the years 2050 and 2100, as well as demographic information of the communities nearby.
- Toxic Tides Fact Sheet
- Toxic Tides Policy Fact Sheet
- Toxic Tides YouTube video
For final report or more information, please contact us at