SGC Racial Equity Action Plan
The California Strategic Growth Council’s racial equity vision is that all communities in California live in healthy, thriving, and resilient communities regardless of race. SGC strongly values the voices and lived experiences of California’s diverse communities, which help shape the programs and initiatives SGC administers. The SGC REAP is critical to planning for, implementing, and measuring racial equity outcomes of our programs, partnerships, and investments.
SGC adopted its first REAP in 2019, which was completed in October 2022. SGC updated the REAP in 2023, with an implementation period of 2023-25. The updated REAP hosts new and ongoing goals, objectives, and metrics that reflect the work and racial equity vision of our organization.
SGC Racial Equity Resources
SGC hosts a unique collection of racial equity advancement initiatives in addition to its REAP. The interagency Council is committed to advancing racial equity and hosts a landmark Racial Equity Resolution, which established the Racial Equity Resource Hub. Explore the links below to learn more.
Annual REAP Implementation Updates
Each year, SGC staff report on the implementation process of objectives set forth in the REAP. Reports are presented once a year during Strategic Growth Council meetings, with facilitation from the SGC Health & Equity Program with close input from SGC program staff. These updates serve as an accountability tool and avenue for sharing about our racial equity work with interagency partners and the public.
Timeline and Milestones
Content under calendar title:
Spring 2018SGC partners with the State of Equity (a program of the Public Health Institute) and the Government Alliance on Race and Equity (GARE) to launch the Capitol Collaborative on Race and Equity (CCORE), which builds the capacity of California’s State Government organizations and their staff to advance racial equity. Nearly 220 staff from 19 state organizations participated in CCORE, with 10 staff from SGC.
April 2019SGC approves and publishes the 2019-22 REAP.
April 2020SGC establishes a Health and Equity Program with dedicated staffing to track and measure implementation of the REAP.
August 2020SGC approves a landmark Racial Equity Resolution, further embedding racial equity as a priority of each Council agency.
October 2020SGC establishes an interagency Racial Equity Working Group (REWG) with representatives from each Council agency with a focus on strategizing and sharing best practices for advancing racial equity.
April 2021Councilmembers provide the first written SGC Racial Equity Resolution Report documenting their progress.
October 2021Over 230 staff from 21 state organizations complete State of Equity’s 15-month 2020–21 CCORE Learning Cohort, including 16 staff from SGC and the Governor’s Office of Planning and Research.
April 2022SGC launches the Racial Equity Resource Hub in alignment with the updated 2021 Racial Equity Resolution and Council Priority 1, to provide a public resource for state and local entities to access information about racial equity initiatives being led by diverse governmental agencies.
October 2022SGC finalizes the 2019-22 REAP and reports on progress and next steps at the October 27, 2022, Strategic Growth Council Meeting. SGC updates its REAP with goals for implementation from 2023 to 2025, including items still in progress from the 2019-22 REAP.
December 2023 to presentSGC staff provide an annual implementation update to the Council, highlighting implementation progress from 2023 (the first implementation year of the updated 2023-25 REAP) and forecasted actions for 2024.