With the signing of AB 179, the Budget Act of 2022, the Governor and Legislature have funded vital budget-implementing legislation, including $315 million General Fund over two years to implement California’s Extreme Heat Action Plan.
This package increases available funding for SGC’s new Community Resilience Centers (CRC) program, bolstering Round 1 funding from $25 million to $110 million. The program currently has $75 million allocated for Round 2. SGC’s Community Resilience Centers program will fund new construction and upgrades of neighborhood-level resilience centers to provide shelter and resources during climate and other emergencies. The program will also fund year-round services and ongoing programming that build overall community resilience.
With this program funding increase and the substantial input received over 5 listening sessions, multiple stakeholder interviews and meetings, ongoing meetings and interagency contributions, program staff are extending the timeline to thoughtfully analyze public input, research policy and program choice points, and propose robust draft guidelines. SGC now plans to release CRC draft program guidelines in Fall 2022 for a 30-day public comment period. Once released, SGC will host a series of public workshops to provide opportunities to review and comment on the proposed program structure. Staff anticipate bringing CRC program guidelines to the Council in February 2023, releasing a Notice of Funding Availability and applications in late spring 2023, and making Round 1 awards by late summer 2023.
For additional information, please contact the CRC Team at CRC@sgc.ca.gov and sign up for the CRC listserv.