RCC Grantee Profile: 2030 Resilient Networks Collaborative


Award Amount: $799,994

Region: Los Angeles County


  • Fernandeño Tataviam Band of Mission Indians
  • Tongva Taraxat Paxaavxa Conservancy
  • Perez-Pacheco Consulting, Inc.
  • Climate Resolve
  • Council for Watershed Health
  • UCLA Native Nations Law & Policy Center

Collaborative Vision

This tribally-led “2030 Resilient Networks Collaborative” intends to build the capacity of tribes and tribally-led organizations in partnership with environmental experts in the region. The vision of the project is to create a blueprint for tribes in California to expand their capacity to be “on par” with those of a large organization with experience in climate-related projects, and to become primary contenders for upcoming climate-resilience funding. The vision also capstones with the successful procurement of a County, State, or Federal or private climate-resilience infrastructure funded project for the region.

Project Plans

As a result of the work from this grant, tribes, organizations and government agencies operating within Los Angeles County, and throughout the State, will have a greater understanding of how tribes need to be engaged authentically, and the proper and sustainable resources and knowledge that tribes can bring to discussions about climate. Most importantly, this project is designed to create knowledge on how tribes can increase the amount of climate funded projects of which they are the principal or lead.

“Since time immemorial the Fernandeño Tataviam Band of Mission Indians, has nurtured and maintained the náavoyotsh (mother earth), specifically the Tiuvac’am (lands) known today as Los Angeles County. The California Strategic Growth Council’s Regional Climate Collaboratives program (RCC) funding is instrumental towards the goal of providing the much-needed resources for Native American Tribes to chart their path towards climate resiliency.”
Rudy Ortega Jr., Tribal President, Fernandeño Tataviam Band of Mission Indians

Contact Information

Miguel Luna, Director, Tribal Historic and Cultural preservation Department of Fernandeño Tataviam Band of Mission Indians
