SGC Catalyst Model Community Readiness Model

A model to assist state and federal agencies and other funding entities evaluate options, make critical decisions, and avoid pitfalls as they develop and implement effective technical assistance and capacity-building programs.


Each community has a distinct history and unique assets and challenges. However, it is critical to understand that some communities and individuals have suffered from historical injustices and continue to carry disproportionate burdens that others do not.

Communities of color, low-income communities, Tribes, and communities that have experienced disproportionate environmental burdens do not benefit from the same opportunities as more privileged communities. As a result, they experience additional barriers to applying for public funding, often keeping the communities that most need funding in a vicious cycle of resource scarcity.

This model takes a critical step to redress these inequities by supporting under-resourced jurisdictions and organizations to design potential climate equity projects, build key partnerships, and access the appropriate funding sources to meet their needs. Funders can facilitate this through intentional investment into technical assistance and capacity-building strategies that help level the playing field and establish community and network resilience to sustain momentum and pursue further collective impact.