SGC Catalyst Model Provide Communities the Flexibility to Select and Design Projects That Meet Multiple Integrated Objectives
Not all project types will deliver specific community benefits that resonate with beneficiaries. In addition, limited resources often mean that projects need to be prioritized. Prioritization can be challenging, particularly when benefits are not easily quantified and compared. It is essential to conduct any prioritization exercise in close coordination with community partners to ensure the best alignment between project benefits and community needs. Potential projects and associated benefits must be identified in close coordination and engagement with potential beneficiaries. Communicating benefits through engagement is critical to building community support for projects and identifying benefits not specified in the initial project planning process.
- Existing communities experience tangible and relevant improvements in their lives
- Investments are appropriate for the place and likely to address community needs
- Communities have a direct and meaningful benefit from the investments that they made possible
- Existing communities and businesses benefit from investment in their neighborhoods due to intentional strategies to avoid displacement as neighborhoods become safer and healthier
How to Do This
The TCC Round 5 program guidelines (p. 43) require applicants to select strategies and develop Projects that address the TCC Program Objectives. Applicants must choose at least three (3) Strategies from the list below. Strategies should be thoughtfully selected and integrated to meet the community’s needs best. Project activities eligible for funding under each Strategy are outlined in Appendix B. Most of the TCC grant award (at least 67%) will be allocated to direct implementation costs for Projects under these Strategies.
- Equitable Housing and Neighborhood Development
- Land Acquisition for Affordable Housing
- Transit Access and Mobility
- Solar Installation, Energy Efficiency, and Appliance Electrification
- Water Efficiency
- Recycling and Waste Management
- Urban Greening and Green Infrastructure
- Health and Well-Being
- Indoor Air Quality
- Community Microgrids
- Brownfield Redevelopment.
To ensure that grant funds provide direct, meaningful, and assured benefits to disadvantaged communities, the TCC Round 5 Program guidelines require that Applicants work with community members and stakeholders through direct and meaningful engagement. Applicants must involve community and businesses from the Project Area and critical stakeholders in all TCC Proposal development and implementation phases. TCC Proposals should be designed to meet residents’ needs identified through a documented outreach and engagement process.