Racial Equity Resource Hub Getting Started

About the Racial Equity Resource Hub
The California Strategic Growth Council (SGC) is committed to achieving racial equity across State operations, investments, programs, and policy initiatives. In August 2020, SGC adopted a nationally recognized Racial Equity Resolution and Action Plan, followed by a vote to consolidate and promote state-level racial equity resources and tools in one location, the result of which is SGC’s Racial Equity Resource Hub.

Goal of the Hub
Facilitate greater understanding and access to the resources, trainings, templates, networks, and other materials used to advance racial equity at the state level.

Contributing to the Hub
The Hub will be updated on an ongoing basis to reflect new racial equity resources and learning at the state level. Looking ahead, SGC is working to integrate a feature that would highlight resources from sources outside of state government. To submit content or if you have questions or feedback, please get in touch with the Racial Equity Resource Hub.
Navigating the Hub
The Hub is designed to enable practitioners, policymakers, and communities at any point in their racial equity journey to increase access and understanding to relevant resources and best practices. To facilitate this, the hub is organized according to the following categories:
Creating Your Roadmap
Explore Racial Equity Action Plans and Statementsmore info -
Diving Deeper
Explore resources that provide in depth information and analysesmore info -
Taking Action
Explore initiatives geared towards advancing racial equitymore info -
Drawing Connections
Explore resources that build knowledge on racial equitymore info -
Assembling the Toolbox
Explore datasets, maps, and resources to guide and inform racial equity workmore info -
Growing Awareness
Explore public knowledge building resources that increase accessibility and engagement with the communities we serve.more info -
Funding Solutions
Explore grant programs and other opportunities that address factors related to racial equitymore info -
Other Resources
Explore various other tools, resources, and helpful informationmore info