Welcome to the California Strategic Growth Council Racial Equity Resource Hub!
Welcome to the California Strategic Growth Council Racial Equity Resource Hub!
This hub serves as a first of its kind and builds on SGC’s nationally recognized Racial Equity Resolution adopted in August 2020. As California makes steps to address racial equity, it is critically important that the State promotes effective practices, shares resources, and facilitates dialogue amongst practitioners to continue moving progress forward at the scope and scale that is necessary for this work.
In November of 2021, recognizing a need to consolidate, streamline, and promote racial equity resources and tools, the Strategic Growth Council adopted an amendment to the 2020 resolution calling for the development of this Hub and elevating it as a key priority. This Racial Equity Resource Hub serves as a continuing commitment to addressing and uprooting racial inequities, which we know to be foundational to achieving SGC’s vision of healthy, thriving, and resilient communities for all Californians, regardless of race. The goal of the Hub is to facilitate greater access across State government to the resources, trainings, templates, and other materials being used to advance racial equity.
Working closely with the Council’s Racial Equity Working Group, the SGC collected these resources, organizing them across several categories in recognition that organizations and practitioners may be at different steps in their journey to understand and operationalize racial equity. It is our hope the Racial Equity Resource Hub serves as a roadmap in advancing these critical initiatives.
The sheer number of resources already compiled speaks to the tremendous progress being made by State government, catalyzed by the leadership of the Administration and commitment by staff to carry out a vision of equity in all communities across our state. Moving forward, the Hub will be an evolving and dynamic forward-facing space for government, practitioners, and communities to engage in sharing and learning around racial equity.
The Hub also includes a blog post feature where Council Members and their representatives will share about their racial equity efforts, progress, and milestones. This feature creates a forum for the SGC and other agencies to provide updates and serves as a space for users to learn more about substantial actions, emerging initiatives, and new resources and tools.
I invite you to explore and contribute to this Hub and hope that this tool energizes and facilitates greater action to promote racial equity.
Lynn von Koch-Liebert
Executive Director, California Strategic Growth Council