About Health and Equity
The Health and Equity Program (HEP) advances cross-sector collaboration on the social determinants of health and equity through the HiAP Task Force and the Capitol Collaborative on Race and Equity. HEP infuses health and equity into SGC policy and program areas by leading the implementation of SGC’s Racial Equity Action Plan.

Health in All Policies
Health in All Policies advances a collaborative, interagency approach to embed health, equity, and sustainability into decision-making processes that affect the future of California.

Capitol Collaborative on Race & Equity
The Capitol Collaborative on Race and Equity (CCORE) is a racial equity capacity building program for California State employees, facilitated by State of Equity and sponsored by SGC.

Strategic Growth Council Racial Equity Initiatives
SGC is committed to advancing racial equity in its operations, investments, and policy initiatives. SGC’s Racial Equity Action Plan is a strategic plan, statement of intent, and accountability measure that ensures all facets of SGC will continue to implement strategies that prioritize and advance racial equity. Embedding racial equity as an organizational priority and implementing associated actions advances SGC’s vision of healthy, thriving, and resilient communities.
Contact Us
HEP is funded by the California State Budget and represents a commitment from the Governor and Legislature to work together, and with diverse partners, to take action on issues that impact the health and racial equity of all Californians. HEP works in close partnership with the State of Equity (Public Health Institute) and California Department of Public Health to advance Health in All Policies (HiAP) and facilitate the interagency California HiAP Task Force.