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Press Releases
September 25, 2024California Launches Public-Private Partnership to Foster Infrastructure and Community Investments in Imperial ValleyThe Imperial Valley Civic Ecosystem Initiative, a partnership between the Governor’s Office, California Energy Commission, California Strategic Growth Council, Institute for Local Government, and the Latino Community Foundation, works to ensure local Imperial Valley communities aren’t left behind as the region gears up to bolster the state’s clean energy future.Read more
April 24, 2024California Fuels Tribal Innovation with $1.45M for Climate ActionGroundbreaking Tribal Capacity Building Pilot Program awards six tribal applicants, igniting climate solutions across the state.Read more
April 24, 2024Vulnerable Communities to Receive $98.6M in Grants to Build Climate ResiliencyThe California Strategic Growth Council finalizes awards for Round One of Community Resilience Centers Program Grants, fulfilling part of Governor Newsom’s Climate Commitment to strengthening protections for climate vulnerable communities.Read more
February 28, 2024California Invests $5 Million to Help Communities Build Climate and Community ResilienceThis funding through the Community Resilience Centers Program will support communities in developing plans for neighborhood-level resource hubs to promote resilience during climate emergencies and year round.Read more
January 31, 2024Release of the California Landscape of Climate Finance ReportThis new assessment was produced by Climate Policy Initiative in partnership with the California Strategic Growth Council and the California Infrastructure and Economic Development Bank.Read more
December 18, 2023California Awards $116.8 Million to Conserve Agricultural Lands across the State, Strengthening Rural Economies and Climate ActionTo date, Sustainable Agricultural Lands Conservation (SALC) investments have protected 381 square miles of California agricultural and working lands, making further progress on the State’s 30x30 conservation goal. For the first time, SALC funding this year will support California tribes with land acquisitions.Read more
December 18, 2023California Awards $98 Million for 11 Community-Led Climate Resilience Projects Across the StateThese projects will reduce GHG emissions by a combined 36,647 metric tons, equivalent to taking 8,155 gas-powered passenger vehicles off the road for a year. To date, $424 million has been invested in 37 California communities through the Transformative Climate Communities Program.Read more
November 8, 2023$1 Million to Accelerate Tribal Climate Action in CaliforniaSGC's Tribal Capacity Building Pilot Program to Assist Up to Six California Tribes in Planning and Implementing Climate InitiativesRead more
November 2, 2023Strategic Growth Council Announces New Program to Help Communities Unlock Federal FundingThe program, Connecting Communities, will support SGC grantees and unawarded applicants in accessing federal funding and demonstrate proven strategies to advance community climate leadership.Read more
October 23, 2023Innovative State Partnership Helps Under-Resourced California Communities Unlock Access to Historic Climate InvestmentsCalifornia Strategic Growth Council and Institute for Local Government Invest $500,000 in Capacity Building Resources, Unlocking $25 Million in Federal and State Grant Funding for Seven Communities.Read more
November 6, 2023The Strategic Growth Council to Host the Catalyst Conference to Accelerate Progress on Equitable Investment into California CommunitiesThe California Strategic Growth Council (SGC) announced today it will host the Catalyst Conference, themed Progress in Place, in Sacramento for the second year in a row.Read more
August 30, 2023California Invests $757 Million to Create Affordable Housing and Clean TransportationToday’s announcement is part of Governor Gavin Newsom’s call to make coordinated investments that advance the state’s housing and climate goals while attracting additional federal and private funds into our communities.Read more
July 6, 2023State Announces $8.5 Million in Funding to Help Frontline Communities Prepare for Historic State and Federal InvestmentThe California Strategic Growth Council (SGC) announced $8.5 million in funding is available for the Regional Climate Collaboratives program to ensure under-resourced communities have a fair chance to access historic state and federal funding.Read more
May 31, 2023New Reports Show Community-Led Investment Is Building Capacity and Resilience in California’s Frontline CommunitiesThe California Strategic Growth Council (SGC) today announced the latest evaluation reports produced by the UCLA Luskin Center for Innovation showcasing the outcomes of community-led investment efforts in Fresno, Ontario, Stockton, and the Watts and Northeast San Fernando Valley neighborhoods of Los Angeles.Read more
May 26, 2023California Announces Nearly $100 Million in First Round of Funding to Build Resilience Centers Addressing Extreme Heat and Other Climate ImpactsThe California Strategic Growth Council (SGC) today announced $98.6 million is available for the first round of funding for the Community Resilience Centers program.Read more
May 22, 2023Request for Information for the Tribal Capacity Building Pilot ProgramThe California Strategic Growth Council (SGC) has released a Request for Information (RFI) to inform the development of the Tribal Capacity Building Pilot Program.Read more
May 19, 2023Community Resilience Center Grant Program Releases Pre-Application Materials for Round 1In anticipation of announcing Round 1 funding availability and calling for grant applications later this Spring, the staff of the new Community Resilience Centers (CRC) grant program has released several resources to aid prospective applicants in preparing for this upcoming funding opportunity.Read more
May 9, 2023Strategic Growth Council Appoints Inaugural California Agricultural Land Equity Task Force MembersThe California Strategic Growth Council has unanimously and enthusiastically appointed twelve inaugural members of the California Agricultural Land Equity Task Force, which will develop policy recommendations to equitably increase access to agricultural land for food production and traditional tribal agricultural uses.Read more
April 26, 2023State Invites Applications For Projects to Permanently Conserve Agricultural Land, Reduce EmissionsThe California Strategic Growth Council (SGC) and the Department of Conservation (DOC) today announced the release of funding for Round 9 of the Sustainable Agricultural Lands Conservation (SALC) ProgramRead more
March 8, 2023$99.2 million available for community-led climate resilience projects through Transformative Climate Communities ProgramThe Strategic Growth Council (SGC) today announced $99.2 million in funding is available via the Transformative Climate Communities (TCC) Program to underserved communities to plan and implement neighborhood-serving infrastructure projects that reduce greenhouse gas emissions, benefit public health and the environment, and expand economic opportunity for residents.Read more
February 3, 2023Leaders At Catalyst Conference Take Action to Drive Equitable Climate InvestmentInaugural SGC Catalyst Conference sparks new partnerships and actions to accelerate equitable public and private climate investment in frontline communities.Read more
February 1, 2023SGC Catalyst Conference Convenes 300 California leaders from Across Sectors to Accelerate Equitable Climate Investment300 leaders convene today in Sacramento for the SGC Catalyst Conference, an inaugural event focused on building partnerships and identifying solutions to implement the Justice40 Initiative in California and beyond.Read more
January 30, 2023Final Speakers Announced for the SGC Catalyst ConferenceSGC is pleased to announce final speakers for its inaugural Catalyst Conference, hosted in partnership with the Milken Institute. Headline speakers include Governor Gavin Newsom and state leaders Lauren Sanchez, Senior Climate Advisor, and Antonio Villaraigosa, Infrastructure Advisor with the Governor’s office.Read more
January 19, 2023Strategic Growth Council Announces Initial Speakers for Inaugural Catalyst ConferenceThe SGC Catalyst Conference, hosted by the California Strategic Growth Council in partnership with Milken Institute, is an inaugural event focused on building partnerships and solutions to implement the Justice40 Initiative in California and beyond.Read more
December 15, 2022California Invests $8.5 Million to Help Communities Accelerate Climate ActionGrants for 6 Regional Climate Collaboratives will help communities experiencing the worst impacts of climate change. Grants will help these communities compete for funding for projects to address climate-change impacts and will help them develop the capacity to implement such projects.Read more
December 15, 2022California Awards $74 Million to Conserve Agricultural Lands across the State, Bolstering Climate Action and Rural EconomiesSustainable Agricultural Lands Conservation Program grants will reduce greenhouse gas emissions and strengthen rural economies by protecting 54,000 acres of agricultural lands at risk of development.Read more
October 27, 2022Strategic Growth Council Awards $96 Million for Place-Based Climate Projects in 10 Frontline Communities in CaliforniaDuring SGC's October Council Meeting, members voted to approve 10 planning and implementation grant awards through the Transformative Climate Communities Program.Read more
October 11, 2022Governor Signs Advanced Pay Pilot Legislation to Support Equitable Access to State FundingSGC announces Advanced Pay Pilot (AB 156), advancing Council Priority 2 committing represented agencies to reduce administrative barriers and institutionalize capacity building and technical assistance support to low income, disadvantaged, and California Native American Tribal communities.Read more
September 16, 2022California Strategic Growth Council to Host Inaugural Catalyst Conference Focused on Accelerating Justice 40, Equitable Climate Investment in CAConference, Hosted in Partnership with Milken Institute, will take Place February 2023.Read more
April 28, 2022California Strategic Growth Council Launches Racial Equity Resource HubToday the California Strategic Growth Council announced the launch of a Racial Equity Resource Hub to serve as a resource for state practitioners and partners to access and advance racial equity across government. The Hub includes over 100 racial equity resources and initiatives sourced from across State government.Read more
February 18, 2022State Report Identifies Specific Opportunities to Better Achieve Climate Goals in Transportation SectorToday the California Strategic Growth Council announced the publication of the California Transportation Assessment (AB 285 report), offering an assessment of how transportation planning and funding in California supports long-term common goals, including building and maintaining a transportation system that advances State climate goals and meets the transportation needs of all Californians.Read more
January 26, 2022Strategic Growth Council Announces $808 Million Investment in Sustainable, Affordable HousingTo promote dense, transit-oriented development and lower housing-related carbon emissions, the SGC has approved funding for Affordable Housing and Sustainable Communities (AHSC) projects across the state.Read more
September 30, 2021SGC Nearly Doubles Funding to $780 Million for Affordable Housing and Sustainable Community ProjectsAfter receiving over $1.1 billion in funding requests from applicants of the AHSC Program, the SGC Council took action at its September Council Meeting to nearly double available funding for the current award round from $405 million to $780 million.Read more
August 9, 2021California Strategic Growth Council Announces Second Round of BOOST Program to Help Under-Resourced Communities Address Climate ChangeThis technical assistance program supports under-resourced cities and towns in building capacity, optimizing existing resources, strengthening community partnerships, and transforming their approach to address and fund climate activities.Read more
May 27, 2021New Reports: “Comprehensive” State Grant Program Helps Awardees Advance Climate Action, Respond to COVID-19UCLA Luskin Center for Innovation’s Evaluations Highlight Early Benefits to Disadvantaged Communities Funded by Transformative Climate Communities.Read more
April 29, 2021State Invites Applications For Projects to Protect Agricultural Land Forever, Reduce EmissionsCap-and-Trade Funded Sustainable Agricultural Lands Conservation Program Kicks Off Round 7.Read more
April 27, 2021$1M State Investment Becomes $50M in Grants for Under-Served CommunitiesWe’re excited to share the Institute for Local Government’s findings and best practices from BOOST – a pilot program providing customized technical assistance and capacity building support to 10 cites and 2 regions in California.Read more
March 2, 2021State of California Invites Applications for $405 Million Through Affordable Housing and Sustainable Communities ProgramSGC is thrilled to kick off Round 6 of the Affordable Housing and Sustainable Communities Program, with approximately $405M available for affordable housing integrated with transit, active transportation, jobs, and services.Read more
February 11, 2021California Strategic Growth Council Announces 22-Person Inaugural Cohort for “Partners Advancing Climate Equity” Training ProgramPilot State program helps locals build capacity to lead equitable community climate action.Read more
Fact Sheets
Transformative Climate Communities
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Affordable Housing and Sustainable Communities
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Sustainable Agricultural Lands Conservation
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Health in All Policies
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Climate Change Research
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Case Studies

Community-Based Planning for a Sustainable California
Read fourteen case studies of inspiring sustainable community planning initiatives from across California – that were funded through the SGC’s Sustainable Communities Planning Grant and Incentives Program.

Affordable Housing & Sustainable Communities
The Affordable Housing and Sustainable Communities Program builds healthier communities and protects the environment by increasing the supply of affordable places to live near jobs, stores, transit, and other daily needs. In West Sacramento, an extensive community engagement process driven by strong collaboration between the City and the housing developer resulted in affordable homes next to major transportation improvements.
Transformative Climate Communities
The Transformative Climate Communities Program empowers the communities most impacted by pollution to choose their own goals, strategies, and projects to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and local air pollution.