The Community Assistance for Climate Equity (CACE) team is proud to present its first six awardees for Round One of the Regional Climate Collaboratives Program (RCC). Click to learn more about how RCC is helping under-resourced communities across California invest in community-led capacity building to access statewide public and other grant moneys for climate change mitigation and adaptation projects.
Round 1 Profiles
Round 1: 2030 Resilient Networks Collaborative
This Tribal-Led Collaborative has partnered with environmental experts in the Los Angeles County region to expand their capacity and be competitive for climate-resilience funding.Learn more about 2030 Resilient Networks -
Round 1: Gateway Cities Regional Climate Collaborative
This collaborative brings together community partners in Southeast Los Angeles to increase health, wealth, and climate resiliency in neighborhoods along I-710 and West Santa Ana Metro light rail.Learn more about Gateway Cities -
Round 1: Marin Climate Justice Collaborative
This collaborative brings together leaders from Marin City and San Rafael’s Canal District that are at risk of displacement from climate change and development by building capacity.Learn more about Marin Climate Justice -
Round 1: San Joaquin Regional Climate Collaborative
This collaborative brings together community partners from San Joaquin County to engage and build capacity towards establishing a regional forum for climate resiliency coordination.Learn more about San Joaquin Regional Climate -
Round 1: Siskiyou Climate Collaborative
This collaborative brings together partners from Siskiyou County to create an equity-centered community process with a focus on building the resiliency of Siskiyou’s working landscape.Learn more about Siskiyou Climate -
Round 1: Tribal Energy and Climate Collaborative (TECC)
This Tribal Collaborative will grow strategic relationships and collaborate to help address climate issues affecting all 25 Southern California Tribal Chairmen’s Association-member tribes.Learn more about Tribal Energy and Climate