SGC Catalyst Model Collaborative Governance Model: Monitoring and Evaluation

Collaborative governance structures change over time, and their success in effectively achieving community goals is not guaranteed. It is essential that governing bodies develop and institute processes to evaluate the success and impact of collaborative governance structures over time.


  • Creates an iterative process that increases program efficacy and equity
  • Ensures transparency and accountability to original project goals

How to Do This

Require program applicants to identify mechanisms to continuously inform and engage the community through all stages of a project.

The TCC program’s Round 5 Guidelines center community engagement by allowing applicants to allocate up to eight percent of their budget for eligible community engagement and outreach activities during grant implementation. Applicants must involve residents and businesses from the Project Area and critical stakeholders in all TCC Proposal development and implementation phases. TCC Proposals should be designed to meet residents’ needs identified through a documented outreach and engagement process.

Collect, analyze, and incorporate feedback and create a summary of changes document to ensure that all parties understand how the program has evolved.

An example of a summary of changes document can be found in the SGC’s Affordable Housing and Sustainable Communities (AHSC) Round 7 Staff Report to the Strategic Growth Council.